Monday, December 5, 2011

Ricardo 2.

Someone left all of Ricardo’s possessions on my porch.  His step-daughter is staying with me.  I looked at the pile and thought that it was so ironic that a man came here with nothing across the border 10 years ago, worked two jobs most of the time and leaves with whatever we can pack in a 40 pound suitcase.  He sent money every month to his parents in Mexico and supported whatever household he was in here.  Who will support him and what will his life be like in Mexico?  I called immigration in St. Louis.  They said that we need to bring his 40 pound bag to their office by Friday.  We can’t mail anything.  Who will make the 200 mile trip?  He had wanted to sign a voluntary return paper but I was told that he couldn’t sign one unless he sees a judge again which would not be possible until next April.  He has already stayed in jail for 3 months and is willing to sign a paper granting him voluntary deportation.  His family has to send extra money since he saw a doctor while in the county jail and has to pay for that.  Immigration will take him to the border but he has to pay to travel to Mexico City.  I feel great anger at his treatment and wonder why the taxpayer had to pay for his three months in jail.  None of this makes the community more secure.

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